Chapters Video MMS-B have been doing this metabolic stone clinic in collaboration with urology, which is a unique and, uh multi factorial type of collaboration with neurology and pathology and dietitian. And this being one of the unique clinics were all three, uh, services has offered to patients with kidney stones. Azzawi No kidney stone is pretty common disease. Almost one in 10 off us. We'll have kidney stone in the in our life. So there is no specific. There was no specific kidney stone clinic so far and now be an option. So RG and athletic, which was now been going on for about seven years. Hi attacks. It's that of, um, Romeril, or diseases that the Mary lists is. Of course, the filtering you would have and most of these are autoimmune diseases. So we're seeing patients with systemic Lupus who have kidney involvement. We're seeing patients with vasculitis who have kidney involvement. And then there's a whole host of primary glamour Euler diseases that we now know our media, get it through the immune system and are most likely autoimmune disease. Like I Gina frappe a thief. You may remember Knysna for apathy. My idea when we started developing this clinic was to model it after oncology, where all oncology patients are offered a clinical trial to participate. That's how oncology has discovered many new therapies for, ah, lot of the cancers that we hear about. So our clinic now offers clinical trials, uh, novel cutting edge therapies or, almost ordinarily, diseases. And we can actually try to look at the patient, understand their disease mechanism, is best week and then try to match the patient clinical trial of a new drug that is actually acting on those pathways. All of the nephrologist is work search instead regarding auto immunity and so we can bring that aspect to the clinic as well. Published November 10, 2020 Created by