MMS Finalists
MMS Editing Assignment:
Edit a 1-3 minute promo for the Nephrology department at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
The client has provided b-roll, interviews, their logo and a bumper that can be downloaded from a shared BOX folder.
Use whatever editing program that is available to you.
- Video features both Dr. Brad Rovin and Dr. Ganesh Shidham
- Overview clinics and treatments
- Video focuses on what makes OSU Nephrology department unique
Video needs to include the following elements:
- A unique video title and opening bumper that includes a OSU logo
- Lower third for all speakers with name/credentials
- Call to action at the end of the video to visit the Nephrology department and schedule an appointment referencing this link and the appointment phone #
- Music component
Get creative; nothing is off-limits. Open to use of narration or any additional components to help deliver your message—as long as it compliments the OSU brand.
OSU Division of Nephrology site for reference:
Video Submission Requirements:
Export the finished video as .mp4 and upload to the BOX file request link provided below. (BOX has a 5gb limit-compress if necessary.)
File should be labeled with your name like below:
Deadline: Monday, November 9 at 5:30 pm EST.